Keep your eyes on your own paper and measure your own success. The amount of followers you have doesn’t matter, it’s the engagement. Follow your why and the rest will fall into place. Great advice. I believe it. I really do hope to embrace that attitude and not care about measurable metrics, someday.

Until then, I can’t take my eyes off numbers. I am a numbers person. I love spreadsheets. Quickbooks is my JAM. There’s a total download count on my podcast hosting site and I’ve watched it. No shame. You give me something to measure. I’m there.

Today my show Prickly & Blooming crossed a milestone: 5,000 downloads! And I’m celebrating it! Yes, earlier today, I also texted and emailed a couple trusted sources, “this is worthy of celebrating right?” I asked for their input. Is 5,000 downloads like celebrating a score of 100 in Scrabble? Truly, my concern was for needless celebration of what could possibly be a mediocre achievement. Welcome to my wrestle with worthiness. Don’t fret, I can (and do) pull my head out of my ass.

Guess what this milestone is? It’s a big deal. Because I said so. Podcast analytics are super relative. Do I want to compare my show to Joe Rogan, Jen Hatmaker, or This American Life? Fuck no. Podcasting is this brilliant medium that professionals and novices create the same product. But, comparing yourself to anything and anyone else is pointless.

My conundrum is simple. Keep your eyes on your own paper. Measure your own success. Congratulations to me on the 5,000 downloads. Fucking Hooray.


My feet are sweaty


DIG deep says Brene´, an anniversary story