holiday half ass

I see you and your Christmas tree going up the first week of November. I see you buying the snowflake socks from the CVS. I honor your ability to give every person in your life a holiday mug filled with hot chocolate mix. I respect the hell out of the time you took to make all the cookies, cakes, and pies. I see you channeling your inner Martha Stewart and you’re making magic happen for your family. I bow down to you and your holiday goddessry.

But I also see someone else. I see me. I have 2 mantles now; neither are decorated. I have no special towels, pillow, or blankets. I have no snowmen, elves, or Santa statues to put out. Nor do I want to have this stuff. Even before my minimalist crisis of 2016, I have never had the decorating gene. I am The Proud Holiday Halfass. I put a tree up and think ‘isn’t a tree INSIDE my house enough?’ There’s a TREE, which is normally an outdoor member of the world, INSIDE. That’s quite special, imho.

I’m not a total Scrooge! My kids feel the holiday spirit, I promise. I choose the KISS method for my holiday cheer. (Keep It Simple Stupid) What I do for the holidays: put a wreath on my door; fresh wreaths need only apply. I use the Spode dishes, that I was gifted many years ago, between Thanksgiving and New Years. (Note to self, it’s December 3rd, get those Spodes out.) We put up stockings, of course. (Another note to self, get the new cat a stocking.) The tree obviously. I’m not much of a gift giver. I stick to my kids (read, $$$$) and that’s about it. I make holiday dishes when called upon for a school function. We will make cookies once their kids’ holiday break starts, to leave one out for St. Nick. I stick to a level of cheer that I can maintain  authentically! 

I may be a holiday halfass but I’ll never ever ever buy a fake tree. NEVER. My grandmother used to keep her fake Christmas tree covered up in the corner of her basement. Year round. The family would assemble downstairs in her basement for the Christmas holiday. Yes, in a basement. In Massachusetts. In December. Cozy, huh? So, I may be a halfass, but I’m making progress for my lineage. Every generation is getting a little more cheerful! 

Tell me in the comments, are you a Proud Holiday Goddess or Proud Holiday Halfass? 


10 years


it’s just saturday