happy mama

I can get behind this message. I was so happy to see this in Target today. I thought: yes, THIS is the messaging. This is where we all need to be and aim for. THIS is the answer to “mommy needs wine” movement that I can’t abide anymore.

I am going to wear this shit proudly. I have earned this sweatshirt. I was not a happy mama for a long time. I was an overwhelmed lost mama. I have done, and continue to do, the work to BE this happy mama. This is not just wearing a shirt for me. I am wearing this mindset. I hope y’all are happy mamas too. And if you’re not, in the words of F. Scott Fitzgerald, I hope you have the courage to change your life.

Be a happy mama. Your happiness is the greatest gift you can give to your babies. Hard stop. For real. Your happiness is fucking crucial to your babies’ lives. And not just wear the sweatshirt, buy the mug, read the book, and you’re done, kind of happiness. The inner you, down in your marrow, inside and outside contentment. The IDGAF about anyone and anything that doesn’t serve my life, kind of happiness.

be a happy mama. Unhappy mama, I see you. We’re here when you’re ready.


dried cilantro leaves


loyalty can just be bad boundaries!